Elm Tree

Welcome to Elm Class

Our teachers are Mrs Tonks and Mrs Stephens and our Learning Partners are Mrs Cornwall and Miss Clarke.

Here you will find information about our class and the learning that we will be doing this term.

We look forward to telling you all about our fantastic learning.


Please see our Elm Class transition booklet to learn more about your time in Year 4.

Elm Class Transition Booklet

Pride Lion
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Deputy Head Teacher and Class Teacher

Carly Tonks

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Class Teacher

Laura Stephens

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Learning Partner

Clair Cornwall

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Learning Partner

Laisha Clarke

Our Curriculum

Year 4 Curriculum Overview

The following document gives you more information about the Curriculum in Year 4

Pride Lion

Key Information


Please ensure you are aware of the homework expectations for Elm class.

Your child will receive Dojo points for completing homework.

The majority of homework will be completed on Doodle Learning. This can be done by logging onto https://doodlelearning.com/ using the website or download the apps.

The expectation is:

  • Children will log onto Doodle Maths, English, Spelling and Times Tables every week.
  • The Doodle target is at least 50 stars a week.
  • Creative homework will be set weekly on Class Dojo.


“Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible” – Barack Obama.

Reading at home expectations:

  • Children should try to read every night.
  • Reading logs need to be signed when you have read with your child.
  • The children earn a Dojo points each time they read at home and they can spend these in the pride shop.
  • Reading books and reading logs need to be in school everyday as children will read their books during our daily DEAR sessions.
  • Children can change their scheme book or class library book when they have finished their current book.


  • PE is on a Thursday. Please make sure your child wears their correct PE kit into school and any jewellery is removed.
  • Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly with their name
  • Please provide them with a drinks bottle that they have in school everyday.
  • All important messages will be given through Class Dojo, so please check this regularly.