Welcome to Oak class
Here you will find information about our class and the learning we are going to be doing this term. Our teacher is Miss Flynn and our Learning Partners are Miss Clarke and Mrs Juhasz. Mrs Fivash will teach our class on Friday afternoons.
We look forward to telling you all about our exciting learning.
To find out more about Oak Class, have a look at our Blog here
Welcome to Oak Class
Oak Class Transition Booklet

Class Teacher
Coral Flynn

Class Teacher
Coral Flynn
Hi, I am Miss Flynn. I am the Year 6 teacher at Willow. I have been working at Willow for four years and this will be my third year teaching Year 6. I love teaching maths, art and PE. In my spare time, I enjoy running and cooking.

Learning Partner
Laisha Clarke

Learning Partner
Laisha Clarke
Hello. My name is Miss Clarke. I have recently joined Willow as a Learning Partner. I have always wanted to work with primary school children and Willow has given me this amazing opportunity. In my spare time I enjoy reading as well as spending time in the sunshine with my boys and our dogs.

Learning Partner
Marianna Juhasz-Szuchs

Learning Partner
Marianna Juhasz-Szuchs
Hi, my name is Marianne Juhasz-Szuchs and I am Learning Partner in Oak Classs but most children call me Mrs. Juhhasz. I joined, what was Tuffley Primary School, in January 2011. Over the 13 years, I have worked with all year groups.

PPA Teacher
Lynsey Fivash

PPA Teacher
Lynsey Fivash
I have been teaching for 18 years working with children from nursery up to year 6. I am new to Willow Primary and will be teaching PPA cover. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two boys. My hobbies outside of work are Morris dancing, playing music, swimming and crochet.
Our Curriculum
Year 6 Curriculum Overview
The following document gives you more information about the Curriculum in Year 6.

Homework Expectations
Please read the homework expectations for Oak class.
Your child will receive Dojo points for completed homework.
Homework will be completed on Doodle Learning. This can be done by logging onto https://doodlelearning.com/ using the website or download the apps.
The expectation is:
- Children will log onto Doodle Maths, Times Tables, English and Spelling every week.
- The Doodle target is AT LEAST 50 stars in each subject every week.
- Creative homework will also be set weekly on Class Dojo. This will be uploaded each Friday.
Reading at Home
“Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible” – Barack Obama.
Reading at home expectations:
- Children should try to read every night.
- Reading logs need to be signed when you have read with your child.
- Reading books and reading logs need to be in school everyday.
Your child will be reading their books during our DEAR sessions. Please ensure they are in school everyday. Your child will receive a dojo each time they read to an adult at home so please make sure you sign their reading records.
Key Information
- PE is on a Tuesday. Please make sure your child wears appropriate uniform (including shoes) and all jewellery is removed.
- Homework on Doodle is assigned each Friday to be returned by the following Thursday.
- Children earn Dojo points when they read at home which they can spend in the pride shop, as well as earning points for completing their homework.
- Children need a water bottle in school everyday.
- Children should bring in a healthy snack for break times (e.g., fruit or cereal bars).
- Please ensure your child’s belongings are labelled clearly with their name.
- Messages and reminders will be posted on Class Dojo, please make sure you check this regularly.