School Contacts
If you need to contact Willow Primary Academy, in the first instance, please email or call our Admin Lead, Lucy Sullivan who will assist you with your enquiry on 01452 526442. You can also write to us at Willow Primary Academy, Evenlode Road, Tuffley, Gloucester, GL4 0DY.
Carly Tonks is our Curriculum Lead
Beth Griffin is our SENDCo
Pete Hales is Deisgnated Teacher for Children in Care
If you need to contact theĀ Chair of the Local Advisory Board (LAB), Wendy Ward, please email the Clerk to the LAB, Sue Hunt at,call her on 01452 526442 or write to her at Willow Primary Academy, Evenlode Road, Tuffley, Gloucester, GL4 0DY.
The links below will enable quick access to information that the DfE recommends schools should publish on our school site.
Please click on the title to view that page/information.
Admission Arrangements
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DownloadOfsted Reports
DownloadPerformance Data
DownloadTrustees Information and Duties
DownloadSchool Opening Hours
DownloadSchool Uniform
DownloadSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities
DownloadVision and Values