Taking P.R.I.D.E in all we do

Everything we do at Willow Primary Academy is underpinned by our school PRIDE values that we hold dear. We encourage everyone to live by our mission statement ‘Taking PRIDE in all we do’. Each letter of PRIDE also has its own value.


Encouraging others, having hope and staying happy


Treating each other fairly and our belongings with care


Developing independence and celebrating uniqueness whilst treating all equally


Using willpower to keep going and never give up


Trying our best in everything we do, especially our work

Our Curriculum

Willow Primary Academy is located in a suburb of Gloucester with an enriched, relevant, engaging and innovative curriculum enabling children to uncover a world of possibilities – inspiring each and every child to reach true academic brilliance. By embracing the role that Willow Primary Academy plays within the wider community fostering positive partnerships with parents in and beyond the walls of the school – into the streets, into the town and far beyond – the school ensures children can take PRIDE in all they do.

All schools have a unique identity and at Willow Primary Academy we believe that we have created a friendly, caring and supportive environment that encourages our children to fully learn and develop into well-rounded pupils ready for the challenge of the 21st century. Our children are very happy and feel safe in school. Our exceptionally talented staff team use all their expertise and experience to extend learning, creating challenges in a broad and balanced, experience-rich curriculum.

Curriculum Policies

Curriculum Policy


Teaching and Learning Policy

Pride Lion

What Else Is Important?

In addition to our own personal values we also recognise the importance of:

  • SMSC – We value the spiritual and moral development of each person, as well as their intellectual and physical growth.
  • British Values – We value the importance of each person in our community. We organise our curriculum so that we promote co-operation and understanding between all members of our community.

School Children

Our school has sought to establish clear overarching aims and principles that can drive and shape all levels of planning, thereby delivering a cohesive curriculum throughout the school. The overarching aims of our school curriculum are, therefore, to enable children to:

  • Create happy memories (Positivity).
  • Be responsible citizens who make positive contributions to society with high aspirations and ambitions (Respect).
  • Be confident individuals who are able to lead safe, healthy and fulfilling lives (Individuality).
  • Develop inquisitive minds and resilient attitudes in order to reach their full potential (Determination).
  • Be successful learners who enjoy learning, build progressively on acquired knowledge and skills and develop effective learning behaviours (Excellence).

We are always striving to improve access to our Curriculum for disabled learners and more information can be found within our Accessibility Plan which is available here.


To find out more about the curriculum at Willow Primary Academy please contact Carly Tonks